Music by a Band on Mon 5/18/15

Artist Title Album New
Drug Cabin Steely Dad Wiggle Room
Ceu Streets Bloom Caravana Sereia Bloom
Beach Fossils Taking Off Clash The Truth
of Montreal Monolithic Egress Aureate Gloom
Sufjan Stevens Drawn To The Blood Carrie & Lowell
Belle & Sebastian The Book Of You Girls in Peactime Want to Dance
Diane Coffee All The Young Girls My Friend Fish
Electric Youth If All She Has Is You Innerworld
Mega Bog Aurora/99 Gone Banana
Korallreven Keep Your Eyes Shut An Album By Korallreven
James Vincent McMorrow Glacier Post Tropical
James Blake Retrograde Overgrown
Chet Faker Gold Built On Glass
Nightmares On Wax 195 Lbs N.O.W. Is the Time
Mndsgn Frugality Yawn Zen
Miike Snow God Help This Divorce Happy To You
Hot Sugar Not Afraid To Die God's Hand
Kindness feat. Robyn Why Do You Love? Featuring Robyn Othemess
Darla Pretty Mess Forever
Hiatus Kaiyote Fingerprints Choose Your Weapon
Lapalux Feat. Andreya Triana U Never Know Lustmore
D. Tiffany Untitled S/T
Project Pablo The Fuss I Want To Believe
Bonobo Flashlight Flashlight EP
A Winged Victoy For The Sullen Atomos II Atomos
Chromeo Over Your Shoulder White Women

Music by a Band

This program is not on the schedule.
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Monday 12-2pm
Wednesday 4-6pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 8-10pm
Monday 11am-1pm
Hey boys and girls, time to get excited for another gripping musical experience. A magnificent hodgepodge of cacophonies is to be heard far and wide. So make sure to tune in and listen to you most magnanimous DJ, here at WKDU.