Hanging With Mr. Cooper on Wed 9/2/15

Artist Title Album New
Satan's Pilgrim Vampiro Estrus Cocktail Companion
Good Morning Once You Know
Lars Horntveth Tics (Four Tet Remix) Remixes [Disc 1]
Broadcast Minim Haha Sound
Homeshake I Don't Play Meet the Factory
Aphex Twin Untilted [Saw2 CD1 Track1] (Four Tet Remix) Remixes [Disc 1]
King Krule Rock Bottom Rock Bottom - Single
Beach Fossils Daydream Beach Fossils
Monomyth 13th Floor
Enjoy Give Me Something
Mac Demarco No Other Heart Another One
Katie Dey Unlikable asdfasdf
Beach House Sparks Depression Cherry
Stable Boys schwartz illystrated! 666 this is "2 songs"

Hanging With Mr. Cooper

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Friday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 11am-12pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Thursday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
rock and roll is a way of life and I'm living it
heatin up
post punk