Third Shift on Wed 1/18/17

Twang week!

Artist Title Album New Local
Yo La Tengo Center of Gravity I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One
Lamp 二十歳の恋 ランプ幻想
Duster Cooking Contemporary Movement
Swirlies In Harmony New Found Freedom They Spent Their Wild Youthful Days In The Glittering World Of The Salons
The Olivia Tremor Control Black Foliage (Itself) Black Foliage: Animation Music
Deakin Just Am Sleep Cycle
Slowdive Star Roving Star Roving (single)
The Wrens Happy The Meadowlands
Junipur Life/Death/Harm/Truth Junipur
Elbowache Friendly Warning "Hey"
Forth Wanderers Slop Slop EP
Built to Spill Velvet Waltz Perfect From Now On
Mount Eerie w/ Julie Doiron & Fred Squire Voice in Headphones Lost Wisdom
Natalie Rose LeBrecht Track 6 WarRaw
Akron/Family Shoes Akron/Family
Richard Dawson Grandad's Deathbed Hallucinations The Magic Bridge
Love, Claire The Day After Love, Claire
Bluetile Lounge Lapsis Half-Cut
Giles Corey Spectral Bride Giles Corey
Red House Painters Michael Down Colorful Hill
Sufjan Stevens Vito's Ordination Song Michigan

Third Shift

This program is not on the schedule.
Thursday 12-1am
Friday 12-1am
Wednesday 12-1am
Wednesday 12-1am
Wednesday 12-1am
toeing the fine line between daydreaming and just dreaming