Partly Cloudy on Fri 5/31/19

Listen on Spotify:

Artist Title Album New Local
The Chats Nambored Get This in Ya
Sebadoh leap year Act Surprised
Psalmships The Purveyor's Last Words Keep Your Words
Body Spray New Smell Music to Fall Down To
Black Flag Nothing Left Inside My War
Black Eyes Deformative Black Eyes
Cruelster Benghazi Mommy Riot Boys
Minutemen I Felt Like A Gringo Buzz or Howl Under the Influence of Heat
Amyl and the Sniffers Gacked on Anger Amyl and the Sniffers
Crass Bata Motel Penis Envy
Fugazi Repeater Repeater
Shame Dust on Trial Songs of Praise
IDLES Colossus Joy as an Act of Resistance
Heavy Lungs Roy Straight to CD
TOY Energy Happy in the Hollow
The Garden Call the Dogs Out Mirror Might Steal Your Charm
Parquet Courts What Color is Blood Sunbathing Animal
Ought Beautiful Blue Sky Sun Coming Down
Squid The Dial The Dial
Snapped Ankles Rechargeable Stunning Luxury
U.S. Girls Time In A Poem Unlimited
Guerilla Toss Jesus Rabbit Twisted Crystal
Stella Donnelly Tricks Beware of the Dogs
Middle Kids Real Things New Songs for Old Problems
Faye Webster Right Side of My Neck Atlanta Millionaires Club
Chad Vangaalen Bones of Man Soft Airplane
Helado Negro Seen My Aura This is How You Smile
Weyes Blood Everyday Titanic Rising

Partly Cloudy

Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 12-2pm
New music only. Big on weird punk, indie rock, hardcore, and the like, but anything *new* is up for grabs! With an added focus on releases from the past week, tune in every Saturday for your new music fix with Partly Cloudy.
New Music ONLY
weird punk
indie rock, and more
Broadcast Type: 