Partly Cloudy on Wed 12/11/19

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Was (Not Was) Dad I'm in Jail What Up, Dog? Capitol (1988)
Grim Streaker A.D.D. No Vision Local Fun Boy (2019)
Gnarcissists Eat Your Young Caught in the Webb muddguts (2019)
Black Eyes Deformative Black Eyes Dischord (2003)
Girl Band Going Norway The Talkies Rough Trade (2019)
NATIVE SUN Oedipus Race Single Self-Released (2019)
Stuyedeyed Welcome to New York Moments of Terribleness Self-Released (2019)
Navy Gangs Special Glands Navy Gangs No Roads Entertainment (2016)
Purling Hiss Useful Information Interstellar Blue Drag City Inc. (2019)
The Comet Is Coming The Softness of the Present The Afterlife Impulse! (2019)
J Dilla Time: The Donut of the Heart Donuts Stones Throw (2006)
J Dilla Glazed Donuts Stones Throw (2006)
Danny Brown Shine (feat. Blood Orange) uknowhatimsayin? Warp (2019)
HMLTD To the Door Single Lucky Number Music (2019)
Tall Juan Falling Down Single BUFU (2014)
Kleenex Die Matrosen Liliput Kill Rock Stars (2007)
Automatic Highway Signal Stones Throw (2019)
Gee Tee Commando Chromo-Zone Self-Released (2019)
Draggs Space Beat Draggs Slime Street (2019)
Lightning Bolt Tom Thump Sonic Citadel Thrill Jockey (2019)
DIAT Toonie Positive Energy Iron Lung (2015)
IDLES Great A Beautiful Thing: IDLES Live at Le Bataclan Partisan (2019)
King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard Sleep Drifter Flying Microtonal Banana ATO (2017)
Frankie & The Witch Fingers Dracula Drug ZAM Greenway (2019)
Case Days on a Wire Single Self-Released (2017)
Future Crib Yer Movin' Friends Hemicuda (2019)
Tiger Castle 10/10 Pineapple Slasher Puma Palace (2019)
Jeff Rosenstock I'm Serious, I'm Sorry We Cool? SideOneDummy (2015)
Bruce Lee Band We've Got The Power, We've Got the Money Community Support Group Really Records (2014)
Do Nothing LeBron James Single Exact Truth (2019)
Crack Cloud Philosopher's Calling Crack Cloud Deranged (2018)

Partly Cloudy

Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 12-2pm
New music only. Big on weird punk, indie rock, hardcore, and the like, but anything *new* is up for grabs! With an added focus on releases from the past week, tune in every Saturday for your new music fix with Partly Cloudy.
New Music ONLY
weird punk
indie rock, and more
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