Partly Cloudy on Sun 10/11/20

all 2020 tracks babyyyyyy! we luv new music here at partly cloudy :)

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Speed Week Cost of Living Hey Hey It's Speed Week Self Released
The Chats Drunk N Disorderly High Risk Behaviour Cooking Vinyl
BRANDY Clown Pain The Gift of Repetition Total Punk
Optic Sink Personified Optic Sink Goner
Naked Roomate (Re) P.R.O.D.U.C.E. Do the Duvet Trouble In Mind
Sneaks Slightly Sophisticated Happy Birthday Merge
Isotope Soap T-T-T-Telepathic An Artifact of Insects Push My Buttons
Landowner Phantom Vibration Consultant Born Yesterday
A Country Western Slugshot A Country Western Self Released
Jeff Rosenstock Scram! N O D R E A M Polyvinyl
Joyce Manor House Warning Party Songs from Northern Torrance Epitath
Dogleg Kawasaki Backflip Melee Triple Crown
exhalants Richard Atonement Hex
Heads. Nobody Moves & Everybody Talks Push Glitterhouse
Deradoorian Corsican Shores Find The Sun Anti
Goat Girl Sad Cowboy Sad Cowboy Rough Trade
Mildlife Vapour Automatic Heavenly
Osees Upbeat Ritual Protean Threat Castle Face
Frankie and the Witch Fingers Where's Your Reality? Monsters Eating People Eating Monsters... Greenway / The Reverberation Apprecation Society
Holy Wave Hell Bastards Interloper he Reverberation Apprecation Society
R.M.F.C. Reader Reader Anti Fade
METZ A Boat to Drown In Atlas Vending Sub Pop
Thurston Moore Hashish By the Fire Daydream Library
FEWS Ruler Dog EP Hello Dog
The Cool Greenhouse Life Advice The Cool Greenhouse Melodic
Tough Age Penny Current Supression Ring Which Way Am I? Mint
Dog Ribs When I Floss I Bleed A Kicked Dog Hollers Self Released
Sprain Worship House As Lost Through Collision The Flenser
Died Died Less Life Boul God

Partly Cloudy

Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 12-2pm
New music only. Big on weird punk, indie rock, hardcore, and the like, but anything *new* is up for grabs! With an added focus on releases from the past week, tune in every Saturday for your new music fix with Partly Cloudy.
New Music ONLY
weird punk
indie rock, and more
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