Partly Cloudy on Sun 12/13/20

some 2020 favs!!

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Home Improvement HGTV HGTV / Pennsylvania Self-Released
Yves Tumor Gospel For A New Century Heaven To A Tortured Mind Warp
TiƱa Growing In Age Positive Mental Health Music Speedy Wunderground
King Krule Stoned Again Man Alive! True Panther Sounds
Shady Nasty Get Buff Bad Posture Royal Mountain
Squid Sludge Sludge Warp
Crack Cloud Ouster Stew Pain Olympics Meat Machine
Mush Eat the Etiquette 3D Routine Memphis Industries
Jeff Rosenstock Scram! N O D R E A M Polyvinyl
Them Airs Wade/Cull Union Suit XL Self-Released
Hotel Lux Loneliness of the Stage Performer Barstool Preaching Nice Swan
Black Country, New Road Science Fair Science Fair Ninja Tune
Silverbacks Grinning At The Lid Fad Central Tones
The Garden Hit Eject Kiss My Super Bowl Ring Epitath
Machine Girl Scroll of Sorrow U-Void Synthesizer Self-Released
Chance de la Soul Send Me Up Besides Forgotten Tapes Preservation Society
Shygirl FREAK ALIAS Because Music
Clown Core You Are Pregnant Clown Core Self-Released
clipping. '96 Neve Campbell Visions of Bodies Being Burned Sub Pop
A Country Western Slugshot A Country Western Self-Released
Fontaines D.C. You Said A Hero's Death Partisan
Momma Double Dare Two of Me Danger Collective
Corey Flood Hive Mind Hanging Garden Fire Talk
Enjoy, Cowgirl Clue Southern Story Sessions With A Nasty Old Tree Vada Vada
HMLTD Mikey's Song West of Eden Lucky Number Music
Public Practice My Head Gentle Grip Wharf Cat
KNOWSO Digital God Specialtronics/Green Vision Self-Released
BRANDY (Wish You Was) Madball Baby The Gift of Repetition Total Punk
Oh Sees Canopnr '74 Protean Threat Castle Face
Dog Ribs 1 Man Band A Kicked Dog Hollers Self-Released
Courting Popshop! Popshop! Nice Swan
The Cool Greenhouse Alexa! Alexa! Melodic
IDLES Model Village Ultra Mono Partisan

Partly Cloudy

Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Saturday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Monday 2-4pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Friday 2-4pm
Friday 12-2pm
New music only. Big on weird punk, indie rock, hardcore, and the like, but anything *new* is up for grabs! With an added focus on releases from the past week, tune in every Saturday for your new music fix with Partly Cloudy.
New Music ONLY
weird punk
indie rock, and more
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