Glass Cannon on Tue 5/2/23

The word of the day is "crunchy." Check out this playlist to see what that means.

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Masahiko Satoh Andy Warhol Belladonna Finders Keepers Records
Jean-Claude Vannier L'enfant au royaume des mouches L'enfant assassin des mouches Finders Keepers Records
Dashiell Hedayat Fille de l'ombre Obsolete - EP Mantra
GEZAN with Million Wish Collective Tokyo Dub Story Anochi 13th records
NUUAMM Moon Hill W / Ave jusangatsu
Cat Power Sea of Love The Covers Record Matador Records
Spinifex Gum I Am the Greatest (with Marliya Choir) Sisters (with Marliya Choir) My Shore Productions
Good Morning Once You Know Shawcross Good Morning
Tourist Bunny Wild Monday Records
MCpero Skip MCpero No Hitoriasobi OMAKE CLUB
Deerhoof And the Moon Laughs Miracle-Level Joyful Noise Recordings & Deerhoof
The Simmers Coincidence Coincidence - Single The Simmers
Kara Jackson liquor Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love? September Recordings Limited
Narrow Head Soft to Touch Moments of Clarity Run For Cover Records
ALL HANDS_MAKE LIGHT The Sons and Daughters of Poor Eternal "Darling the Dawn" Constellation

Glass Cannon

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 5-6pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Wednesday 11am-1pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
Tuesday 3-4pm
Monday 1-2pm
Monday 4-5pm
Satiate your sonic sprinkles fix.
Indie Rock
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