Spilt Milk on Mon 7/17/23

Dinner Tonight: Eggs and Rice

Artist Title Album New
LP One Like You Love Lines
Joshua Powell Coral Castle Skeleton Party
Pynch London Howling at a Concrete Moon
DAIISTAR Tracemaker Star Starter
Broadcast I Found The F Tender Buttons
Le Tigre Eau D'bedroom Dancing Le Tigre
Lifeguard 17-18 Lovesong 17-18 Lovesong
Crime of Passing Vision Talk Crime of Passing
High Vis Choose to Loose No Sense No Feeling
Protomartyr The Chuckler Relatives in Descent
Kino Спокойная ночь Последний герой
Ploho, Molchat Doma По к​р​а​ю о​с​т​р​о​в​а По к​р​а​ю о​с​т​р​о​в​а
Sierpien В​а​л​ю​т​ы О​б​е​и​х С​т​р​а​н С​м​е​р​д​и​т До С​а​м​ы​х З​в​ё​з​д
The Breeders Go Man Go Go Man Go
The Breeders Do You Love Me Now? Last Splash
Pixies Gigantic Surfer Rosa
The Amps I Am Decided Pacer
Guided By Voices Queen Of Cans And Jars Bee Thousand
The Cleaners From Venus Summer in a Small Town Under Wartime Conditions
Hartley, Scott Morning Face Feast Of The Sybarites
Daniel Johnston Devil Town Welcome to My World
Young Marble Giants Wurlitzer Jukebox Colossal Youth
Future Magics Crying to Girls And The Infinite Eternal Abyss
flyingfish doesn't matter now isolation
Nothing Famine Asylum The Great Dismal
Have A Nice Life Deep, Deep Deathconsciousness
Depeche Mode Love, in Itself Construction Time Again
Tubeway Army Me, I Disconnect From You Replicas
The Buggles The Plastic Age The Age of Plastic

Spilt Milk

Monday 8-10pm
Monday 5-7pm
Friday 12-2pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Wednesday 4-6pm
Monday 8-10pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
~ Music that pleases, Music to take home ~ @spiltmilk_radio
Post-Punk & New Wave
Dream Pop & Shoegaze
Grunge & Alt Rock
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