Spilt Milk on Mon 7/24/23

Dinner Tonight: Taco Bell

Artist Title Album New
Tangled Shoelaces Oceans Away Turn My Dial - M Squared Recordings and more 1981-84
Another Sunny Day Horseriding London Weekend
The Pastels Comin' Through Truckload of Trouble
The Cleaners From Venus Night Starvation On Any Normal Monday
Famous Mammals Overseas Preoccupation Instant Pop Expressionism Now!
Shamir Our Song Our Song
The Radio Dept. Keen on Boys Lesser Matters
Broadcast America's Boy Tender Buttons
France Gall Ella, ell l'a Babacar
Giuni Russo Se fossi pìu simpatica sarei meno antipatica Se fossi pìu simpatica sarei meno antipatica
Bon Enfant Ciel bleu Diorama
Ricchi E Poveri Sarà perche ti amo Piccolo Amore
Hamid Al Shaeri Ouda Kawahel
Charif Megarbane Pas de Dialogue - Habibi Funk 023 Pas de Dialogue (Habibi Funk 023)
Altin Gun Badi Sabeh Olmadan Aşk
Temples Cicada Exotico
Remember Sports Get Bummed Out All of Something
Home Is Where floral organs the whaler
Asian Glow, Weatherday Center Weatherglow
Hey, Ily DigitalLung.EXE DigitalLung.EXE
Failure The Nurse Who Loved Me Fantastic Planet
12 RODS Make Out Music V1.1 Split Personalities
Ken Andrews Just Say Yes Surf's Up Music From The Motion Picture
Gary Numan I Die: You Die Telekon
Siouxsie and the Banshees Cities In Dust Tinderbox
Duran Duran The Chauffeur Rio

Spilt Milk

Monday 8-10pm
Monday 5-7pm
Friday 12-2pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Wednesday 4-6pm
Monday 8-10pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
~ Music that pleases, Music to take home ~ @spiltmilk_radio
Post-Punk & New Wave
Dream Pop & Shoegaze
Grunge & Alt Rock
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