2-Step on Tue 8/1/23

special show for international friendship day (which was sunday)... just playing a bunch of songs recommended to me by my friends <3

Artist Title Album New Local
Far Caspian Arbitrary Task The Last Remaining Light
Temple of Angels Waving to the Wind Endless Pursuit
Title Fight Trace Me Onto You Hyperview
Destroy Boys Shadow (I'm Breaking Down) Shadow (I'm Breaking Down)
Grouper Ode to the blue Shade
Vacations Be There Changes
Beach House On the Sea Bloom
Deep Tissue Despair Patience or Fear
Big Thief Vampire Empire Vampire Empire
Heavy Metal Chess Club Xacto Knife Blunders
Inconsistent I Hope The Cops Don't Call My Mom Acting Cool
Slaughter Beach, Dog Gold and Green Birdie
Citizen If You're Lonely If You're Lonely
Dead Love Triangle Scream To Me Scream To Me
Widowspeak When I Tried Expect the Best
Noah Richardson Tangerine Tangerine


Monday 5-6pm
Monday 5-6pm
Monday 4-5pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 9-10pm
Monday 10-11pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
... music to simply let go to : )
Math Rock/Shoegaze
Overall Violence
Broadcast Type: 