Bangrak Market on Wed 8/9/23

Artist Title Album New
TURQUOISEDEATH Guessabelle Se Bueno
ELECTROCUTICA Piece of Cipher Piece of Cipher+
Ryo Fukui Early Summer Scenery
jizue efimero biotop
bohemianvoodoo 華火夜景 華火夜景
Lamp Place in my dream Place in my dream
CAPSULE TICTAC L.D.K. Lounge Designers Killer
Meaningful Stone Shower duty A Call from My Dream
Captain Planet, Zuzuka Poderosa, Raphael Futura Moqueca Sounds Like Home
Kuna Maze, Midva Don't Drop Dead Night Shift
DJ Enki Signs and Stars Négatité
Bird's Eye Batang Ripplippling Flood Format
Mid-Air Thief Why? Crumbling
Shadow Community Restless Song Restless Song / Halcyon's Coffin
Holy Wave Bog Song Five of Cups
Night Tapes Selene Perfect Kindness
ford. The Pace The Pace
kimj, blackwinterwells weak loop time trial
miraie, blackwinterwells fluke fluke
달의하루 Pure Blood Pure Blood
mikanzil, PSYQUI endroll 4th-peace
PSYQUI, Such ヒステリックナイトガール STYLEY!
Miya Lowe jook 'til i die music that i can put on streaming without getting sued
Deathbrain reimagined voices fantasy noises & perfect delusions

Bangrak Market

Tuesday 11am-1pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Friday 12-1pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Music selections from the foreign, the independent, or the otherwise niche.
Broadcast Type: 