2-Step on Mon 9/25/23

happy fall : )

Artist Title Album New Local
Sea Lemon, Day Wave Breakdown Stop at Nothing
Fiddlehead Give It Time (II) Death is Nothing to Us
NORMY Straw Man What The Fuck Planet Are These Guys From?
Bedlocked All Over Again All Over Again
Niboowin Astral Summit Astral Summit
Hate Still Burns WEAKNESS DEMO
mis sueños son de tu adiós tom daria & jane 3-way split
awakebutstillinbed interlude what people call low self-esteem is really jsut seeing yourself the way that other people see you
Urn Servant Return to Ash
Dangers Loose Cigarettes The Bend in the Break
Hong Kong Fuck You Third World Fighting Music (Continuous Play) Third World Fighting Music (Continuous Play)
Fluoride alienate disentanglement
Age of Panic The Burdens We Carry Blades Drawn
she died in the air above me leaving exeter blight
Blind Girls The Ghost in My Eye Residue
Disappearances Costume Party III
Holy Fawn Arrows Death Spells


Monday 5-6pm
Monday 5-6pm
Monday 4-5pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 9-10pm
Monday 10-11pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
... music to simply let go to : )
Math Rock/Shoegaze
Overall Violence
Broadcast Type: 