The Long March on Mon 2/12/24

E. Mitchell Swann
The Long March

Artist Title Album Label New
C. Bobo Shaw + Human Arts Ensemble Steam Away Kool 500 Concere Ntasiah Universal Justice
Art Ensemble of Chicago I Greet You With Open Arms Six Decades - Paris to Paris Rogue Arts
Szun Waves Be A Pattern for the World Earth Patterns The Leaf Label
Adam Scrimshire Permeate Paroxysm Albert's Favourites
Adam Scrimshire What is the State of the State Paroxysm Albert's Favourites
Nala Sinephro Space 8 Space 1.8 Warp
George Colligan To A Lady and her Children on the Death of her Son and his Brother The Phyllis Wheatley Project Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble
Nikki Giovanni Alabama Poem Truth is On the Way Right On
Archie Shepp Invocation: Ballad for a Child Attica Blues Impulse
Archie Shepp Invocation: To Mr. Parker Attica Blues Impulse
Alash Ene-sai Alash Folkways
Youngchen Lhamo Fade Away Ama Real World
Solent Poets Subspecies Firm Roots Toy's Factory
Zoe Keating Tetris Natoma: One Cello x 16 self-released
Ryuichi Sakamoto Bibo no Aozora Playing the Piano 12/12/2020 Commmons
Cinematic Orchestra DNA To the Moon and Back - Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto Milan
Ryuichi Sakamoto Ngo bitmix Travesia Milan
404.Zero The Revenant Main Theme Tribute to Ryuichi Sakamoto MIlan
Ryuichi Sakamoto Composition 0919 Travesia Milan
Art Ensemlbe of Chicago Theme de Yoyo Les Stances a Sophie Pathe-Marconi

The Long March

Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Exploring longer form musical pieces. Some things take longer than 3 minutes and 22 seconds to communicate.
Broadcast Type: 