Yars Revenge! on Wed 3/13/24

Is it possible my Station Manager could be the Zodiac Killer?

My Station Manager has always been strange. I suppose I never really noticed the signs - they were always quite subtle. I am only now considering the possibility that my aging Station Manager could be the Zodiac Killer. Maybe this is crazy, but I just needed to share -

When I was a new member he had a really bizare sense of humour. For instance, whenever anyone would mention California or SF, he’d respond wistfully “I used to live in California, and for a few years there I did all the Zodiac killings. I maintained a correspondence with the press and police and — as I said — did all of the infamous Zodiac killings.” We’d write it off as another dry joke from our Station Manager, so silly.

Another thing is that “Most Dangerous Game” is his favorite movie, like a comfort movie. We watch it as a staff every Christmas. Whenever we get to the climactic hunt scene he says “yknow, this movie inspired me to call myself the Zodiac Killer and murder a few people in San Francisco in the 60s and 70s.” Again we just thought this was a silly joke.

Last year he got really sick and we thought he wasn’t going to make it (he pulled through). One day he was in hospital and called me and the other execs to his bedside and told us he loved us and was proud of us, and then also said “I must confess - I am the Zodiac Killer. The one they made that David Fincher movie about.” We just thought he was delirious.

When I was a New Member, he’d take us on Halloween station outings. He’d always wear the same costume - a black bag over his head with eye holes cut out, and a black fabric vest with a gun sight drawn on it. I’d always ask him what the costume was and he’d say “this is what I’d wear when I killed that couple at Lake beryessa, back when I was the Zodiac Killer, as I’ve mentioned.” I just brushed it off.

I’m kind of embarrassed to post this because I might be reading into things too much?

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Yars Revenge!

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Wednesday 3-4pm
Wednesday 3-4pm
Wednesday 3-4pm
Yars Revenge? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the county, localized entirely on WKDU?
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