The Long March on Mon 4/8/24

Monday - 2024-04-08 Eclipse Day Show!

Artist Title Album Label New Local
ahmed abdullah we travel the spaceways dispersions of the Spirit of Ra planet art records
organic pulse ensemble journey to jupiter on a Moon Boat Formative Stages RRGEMS
pierre dorge even the moon was dancing pierre dorge & new jungle orchestra Steeplechase
jan garbarek twelve moons dresden - live in concert ecm
steve tibbetts full moon dogs hellbound train - an anthology ecm
sachi hayasaka the nights with the midnight sun minga Tzadik
tarek yamani gate of tears peninsular edict
rabih abou-khalil the return I nafas ecm
rabih abou-khalil the return II nafas ecm
tommy caggiani fruit of the sun the therion project - live in krakow hevhetia
Qwanqwa sewoch volume 3 not on label
NikNak you were supposed to be good ireti accidental ltd
ariel kalma breathing in 3 orbits (intro) the closest thinig to silence international anthem
ariel kalma breathing in 3 orbits the closest thing to silence International Anthem
divr upeksha in this water we jazz
mary halvorson the gate cloudward nonesuch
pat thomas + ism maua maua 577
Angelica Sanchez myopic seer a monster is just an animal you haven't met yet Pyrochlastic
grimace federation weird neighbors ultra prime - live on girard grimace federation

The Long March

Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Exploring longer form musical pieces. Some things take longer than 3 minutes and 22 seconds to communicate.
Broadcast Type: 