Feeling Fiasco on Wed 5/8/24

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Anchin Kfu Ayinkash Hail Mergia, Dahlak Band Wede Harer Guzo
Cloud Nothings Running Through The Campus Final Summer
BODEGA City Is Taken Our Brand Could Be Yr Life
Boyish Legs My Friend Mica
jess urwiler teen teen new
Saint Mesa Maderas Maderas
Rainbow Kitten Surprise SVO SVO new
Watsky Let's Get High And Watch Planet Earth All You Can Do
LAUNDRY DAY Why is everyone a DJ? Why is everyone a DJ? new
Jimi Somewhere Bottle Rocket Nothing Gold Can Stay (Deluxe) new
Wallace Tonight! Peach That's The Blues new
Surf Curse Self Portrait Magic Hour
illuminati hotties Can't Be Still Can't Be Still new
Dazey and the Scouts Wet Maggot
Lone, the Ghost LIVIN YOYOS
Life Without Buildings New Town Any Other City
The Growlers Casual Acquaintances Casual Acquaintances

Feeling Fiasco

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 3-4pm
Monday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
untamed tracks 4 evolved amphibians
Indie Rock
Bubble Grunge
Everything Else
Broadcast Type: 