Molasses and Gravy on Tue 11/5/24

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Matilda Lyn Sunwarmed Sunwarmed
Kingfisher Annie Grip Your Fist, I'm Heaven Bound
Big Thief Simulation Swarm Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You
The Lumineers Cleopatra Cleopatra
Tapir! My God The Pilgrim, Their God and The King of My Decrepit Mountiain
dippr tiny little pieces tiny little pieces / near malibu NEW
Kate Bollinger What's This About (La La La La) Songs From A Thousand Frames Of Mind
Field Medic not a normal boy Songs from the Sunroom
Frog Got the World at Your Fangs Count Bateman
Macabre Plaza Small Town Pigeon An Old Smile
Blood Orange I Wanna C U Angel's Pulse
Palace Break The Silence So Long Forever
Beach Vacation It Soothes Me Coping Habits
Sneaks Tough Luck Gymnastics
We Were Promised Jetpacks Act on Impulse In the Pit of the Stomach
Anika In the City Anika
Inhaler Who's Your Money On? (Plastic House) It Won't Always Be Like This
The Paper Kites Woodland Woodland

Molasses and Gravy

Tuesday 9-10pm
Tuesday 9-10pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Tuesday 4-5pm
Friday 9-10pm
Visual learner conundrum; lost in an auditory medium.
Alt Rock
Broadcast Type: 