Freak Flag on Wed 12/4/24

10:00PM-11:00PM - e-v [recording]
11:00PM-12:25AM - Gravers Lane B2B PetaL B2B e-v [recording]

Artist Title Album
Sweely Stronger Than Me
Private Persons Locked Club
1800HaightStreet Flood
Russell E. L. Butler Unrepentant
slowdanger ARCH
Leghau Sirens
Moteka Bishop
Oliver Ho Heart of Darkness
DJ Bone We Control the Beat
Ebbs N Flow Bunch of Amateurs
Stenny Fortress
Davis Galvin Ush Ryophyta
------------------ ------------------
Entro Senestre Thirty Six
BFX Alone
Heritage The Revelation
Reptant Polygrams
Anthony Rother Describe Reality
Speaking Parts Thin Air
Martyn Bootyspoon Buss Down
Inner City Electro Network Acid Type Shit
Assembler Code Architects
James Shinra Turn it Up
Martyn Bootyspoon Stack Overflow
ElBarto Episki
Robot Machine Exzakt x BFX Remix
DJ Godfather It's Only Detroit
Terrestrial Access Network Raftinonkarma
Di'Jital Wave Froms From Detroit
CRC Holographic Memories
Riemke Markt Deep Six
Aux 88 Break It Down
Novelist x Mumdance 1 Sec (Smokey Bubblin' B's 2 Step Mix)
Stones Taro Sirens
Prozak Like This
Amor Satyr & Siu Mata Samsik
K-Lone Deluxe
Native Doomsday Chicago

Freak Flag

Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 10pm-12am
Wednesday 10pm-12am
A place for learning, growth and community within electronic music. Not bounded by genre, experience or expression. And a guest DJ every week! Come aboard and let your freak flag fly!
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