Your Garden Is Haunted on Mon 2/10/25

go birds asf :D

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Helado Negro, Eileen Myles VI. Just Last Night (Acceptance) TRANSA
Christian Sean Young Hallelujah Showers
Ocean Moon Souls Fall Away Ways To The Deep Meadow (new)
Haco Myths and Facts Nova Naturo
jason calhoun we strain we strain
Agnes Obel Island of Doom Myopia
Lily Talmers Daylight Goes Before Me It Is Cyclical, Missing You
Adult Jazz, Oliver Coates Windfarm So Sorry So Slow
Dawn Richard, Spencer Zahn Saffron Pigments
Owen Pallett In Darkness Island
ben yosei Processionária Lagrimento
Craig Armstrong, Antye Greie-Fuchs Waltz As If To Nothing
Zola Jesus, JG Thirwell, Mivos Quartet Avalanche (Slow) Versions
Kahimi Karie All It's Here
Tyler Sim i finally, it clears (new)
Lina Amor É Um Fogo Que Arde Sem Se Ver Fado Camões
Sonoko Wedding With God (a Nijinski) La Debutante
Maude Audet, Charlie Parcoeur Along the Road Along the Road
Lowland Hum Feeling Like Myself Again (Revisited) Another Side of Lowland Hum
Tavito Nanao 圏内の歌 リトルメロディ

Your Garden Is Haunted

Monday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 10-11am
Help me with the flowers, won't you?
Ambient Pop
Psychedelic Folk
Broadcast Type: 