Positive Individuals Makin' Progress on Mon 1/25/10

Artist Title Album New
The Clonious Oily Glue Between The Dots
Yuuki Matthews Sea Sponge Cake Music For Tropical Savage Imagery
Ill Mondo & Neal Rames Feat. Prince Po Scriptures Ill Mondo & Neal Rames
k-os Feat. Emily Haines & Murray Lightburn Uptown Girl Yes!
MF Doom & The Prof Quite Battery Unexpected Guests
MF Doom & Kurious ? Unexpected Guests
ONEdependent & Taki 76 Feat. Count Bass D ONE (dependent on none) Radio Recession
Blakroc Feat. Q Tip, Billy Danze, & Nicole Wray Hope You're Happy Blakroc
Thom Yorke All For The Best Ciao My Shining Star
Thom Yorke Hearing Damage New Moon Soundtrack
Themselves Feat. Serengeti Keys To Ignition theFREEhoudini Mixtape
Themselves Skinning The Drum CrownsDown
ONEdependent & Taki 76 Case For Modern Man Radio Recession
The Books Be Good To Them Always Lost And Safe

Positive Individuals Makin' Progress

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 9pm-12am
Positive Individuals preoccupied and dedicated to the preservation of the motion of hips, and makin' progress. Funk, Hip hop, Goop, Poop, refrigerator failure, and lots of dogs. Wednesdays 1-3pm with Klemiyly.