Lame Ass Dudes on Mon 5/2/11

All instrumental challenges!! ........

Artist Title Album New
Dick Dale Surf Beat
Dave Allan and the Phantom Surfers Curb Job (Skater Hater) Overture
Agent Orange Bit the Hand that Feeds Pt.2
Dry Feet Angry Surfs
Replacements Buck Hill
Dead Milkmen Surfin Cow
Big Boys Wipe Out
Descendents Theme
Duane Peters and the Hunns Hunns THeme
McRad Jocelyn
Adrenalin OD AOD vs. Son of Godzilla
Trowels Greetings from Delaware
Killer Dreamer Mucho Ecological
O.Rex Rawhide
The Mummies House on Haunted Hill
The Dickies Rondo (The Midgets Revenge)
T.S.O.L. Glass Streets
Waxeater Truck Awesome
The Atomic Bitchwax Force Feild
Notekillers Goolab Brain
Gutbucket 4 9 8
Tricky Woo Altamont Raven
Sticks and Stones Obvious
Lifetime Somewhere in Jersey
Bouncing Souls Old School
Thee Oops Drive Carefullly
OFF Upside Down
Mike Watt Arrow Peirced Eggman
Hunx and His Punx Lovers Lane
Shannon and the Clams Baby Don't Do It
Melvins Rat Faced Granny
W.I.T.C.H. Seer
Mudhoney Something So Clear

Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 4-6pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Monday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Feel better than others by listening to bands that play songs.