Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex on Tue 3/17/15

Artist Title Album New
Surf MCs Surf or Die
Wipers Youth of America
Adolescents Kids of the Black Hole
Charley Few Ramones Beach
YDI Mad at the World
Dronez the Enemy + Disarm
Dinosaur Jr. Chunks
Misfits Come Back
Lost Kids Cola Freaks
Icecross 1999
Cockney Rejects I'm Not A Fool

Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 4-6pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Monday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Feel better than others by listening to bands that play songs.