Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex on Tue 4/28/15

Artist Title Album New
Wipers Youth of America
Nervosas Sissie + Stellacore
Iceage Collapse
Psychic Teens Face
Dark Blue Never Afraid/Never Alone
Devo Good Thing
Bad Doctors Twilight of the Idols
John Brenzry Group Vice Versus
Agent Orange Living in Darkness
Ramones Come Back She Cried
Charley Few Ramones Beach
Ruin Life After Life
YDI Why Die
Dronez Disarm
Arms Race Mongrel Crew
Disinterest Identity Will Ruin You
The Guns I'm Not Right
Ruts Babylons Burning
Cockney Rejects I'm Not A Fool
Bad Brains Big Takeover
4Skins Chaos
Title Fight Trace Me Onto You
Violent Reaction Death Threat
Altercation UNite Us
NYC Mayhem Body Bags
Crossed Wire Hollow
Turning Point Broken

Lame Ass Dudes with a Superiority Complex

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 10pm-12am
Tuesday 10pm-12am
Monday 4-6pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Monday 6-8pm
Thursday 9-11pm
Feel better than others by listening to bands that play songs.