Idle Noise on Wed 12/9/15

Background: Imaabs: Clinamen
CPSHO: King Missile: Cheesecake Truck: Mystical Shit: Shimmy Disc

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Aine ODwyer In a Fugue State of Mind Music for Church Cleaners MIE
Clay Allison Freight Train Live at the Electric Banana 1984
Writhing Squares Unknown Drone TBA Spring 2016
Lightning Bolt Rain on Lake I'm Swimming In Earthly Delights Load
Kurt Schwitters Simultangedicht Kaa Gee Dee Dada for Now ARK-Dove 4
Chris Knox Indigestion Outnumbered by Sheep Flying Nun
King Missile Cheesecake Truck Mystical Shit Shimmy Disc
Mud Pie Sun Month of Sundays New Swing Mood Things / Two at Noon
Gun Outfit Blue Hour Dream All Over Paradise of Bachelors
Kelley Stoltz You're Not Ice In Triangle Time Castleface
W-X REstless Leg W-X Castleface
Aus Lauter Liebe Pingelig Pingelig 7" Zickzack
The Tesco Bombers Break the Ice at Parties Hernando's Hideaway 7" Y Records
Body Horror Volt Sorcery Odd Filth Dedication Loop
Matthew Shipp Duo Live
Factorymen Open The Door
Dirty Three The Pier
F.O.D. We Can Be Stupid split w/Ex Fiends
Jukebox Zeroes Green Wave Count to Ten
YDI Not Without A Fight Black Dust
Thorazine It'll Never Be Alright Punk Aid 4
No Name Real Punk Noise Punk Aid 4
Youth Brigade (DC) Bouncer Demos
The Minneapolis Uranium Club Band Misadventures of Prissy Chrisy
Solid Attitude #1
Black Monuments Repeated Rejections
Black Pony Pobre Pedro
BlackFire It Ain't Over
Mission of Burma Trem Two

Idle Noise

This program is not on the schedule.
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Tuesday 7-9am
Wednesday 7-9am
Tuesday 7-9am
Monday 7-9am
Monday 7-9am
Noisy pop tunes, mellow to firm, according to age, middle-aged or semicurado rich and creamy, some bordering avant garde, with a proliferation of tiny holes, old school punk, intensely nutty with full aroma to sharp, salty, buttery and fruity.
Avant Garde