Only the Worst on Fri 2/28/20

Kiva On Air Test

Artist Title Album New Local
She Past Away Sanri Belirdi Grace
ADULT Why Always Why Perception/Is/As/Of Deception
Kontravoid Hold Nothing Undone
Oval MI KK Scis
Buzz Kull Dreams Dreams
Doomsquad Pyramid on Mars Total Time
Wulfband Liebe Offensive Revolter
HAAi 6666 Systems Up Windows Down
Qual Take Me Higher The Ultimate Climax
The Ire Derelict

The Plastic Pulse

This program is not on the schedule.
Friday 12-2am
Tuesday 8-10pm
Sunday 4-6pm
Friday 12-2pm
Friday 10am-12pm
Friday 12-2pm
Songs and sound-waves for the masses
Indie Rock