Fair Trade Radio on Mon 10/25/21

Episode 4. hope y'all enjoy :)

Artist Title Album New Local
Bill Callahan Jim Cain Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
Lorkin O'Reilly Still You Marriage Material
Another Michael, Alenni My Day (feat. Alenni) (Cordova Session) Unplugged Music and Big Sessions
Kaley Rutledge Corduroy Coat Tender Heart
Karima Walker Waking the Dreaming Body Waking the Dreaming Body
The Microphones Headless Horseman The Glow, Pt. 2
Charlie Martin Daisy Imaginary People
Ada Lea oranges one hand on the steering wheel the other sewing a garden
Slow Pulp High Big Day
Joyer Perfect Gray Perfect Gray
Spencer Radcliffe Trust Enjoy The Great Outdoors
Double Celled Organism Maple Gamelan Time and Other Things That Don't Exist
Great Grandpa Digger Four of Arrows
Helvetia Rose City Park Presents Sudden Hex
Julia Shapiro Death (XIII) Zorked
feeble little horse Termites Hayday
feeble little horse Kennedy Hayday
Empath Born 100 Times Born 100 Times
Loudness War All You Never Wanted Dream Popped
Justus Proffit Burning the Ground SpeedStar
Acetone All The Time 1992-2001
Low Words I Could Live In Hope
Dirt Buyer Josephine Dirt Buyer
Deux Game and Performance Decadence
Dry Cleaning Scratchyard Lanyard New Long Leg
shame Water in the Well Water in the Well
Broadcast Tears in the Typing Pool Tender Buttons

Fair Trade Radio

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Monday 4-6pm
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sustainably sourced tunes from across the globe and right here at home.
et cetera..
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