Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 12/20/22

Episode 176 "The Worst of 2022 Pt I: Black Metal"

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Nine Souls (U.S.) Hexing Gaze The Altar Awaits (2022) Independent
Sotherion (France) Shrine of the Chosen Schwarmgeist (2022) World Terror Committee Productions
Solipnosis (Chile) Permanencia de Memoria Immediata Poder absoluto individual (2022) Dissonant Death Records
Stangarigel (Slovakia) Hviezdne ohne nad kosodrevinami Na Severe Srdca (2022) Hexencave Productions
Pyrrha (Sweden) Unholy Desires A Path Damnation (2022) Independent
Remorseless Winter (Washington D.C.) Vortex of the Unknown An Exile from the Body of Flesh and Blood (2022) Independent
Scalding (Canada) As Darkness Descends to Chaos Exordium (2022) Independent
Unholy Altar (Philadelphia) Bloodless Cadaver Unholy Altar Demo (2022) Independent
Chamber of Mirrors (California) Call from Beyond Shadow Kingdom (2022) Independent
Dreven (Czechia) Undead Dreven Demo (2022) Independent
Hulder (Washington) Sylvan Awakening The Eternal Fanfare (2022) 20 Buck Spin
Daeva (Philadelphia) The Architect and the Monument Through Sheer Will and Black Magic (2022) 20 Buck Spin
Erzfeynd (Germany) Firnoman Behaft.Bekert (2022) Independent
Kampfar (Norway) Flammen Fra Nord Til Klover Takt (2022) Indie Recordings
Falls of Rauros (Maine) Known World Narrows Key to a Vanishing Future (2022) Eisenwald
Arkæon (Denmark) Parasit Parasit (2022) I, Voidhanger Records
Trolldom (Sweden) Avtryck i tiden, vävens sista stycke Av gudars ätt... (2022) Iron Bonehead Productions
Krallice (New York) Reprisals of Destiny Psychagogue (2022) Independent
Watain (Sweden) Ecstasies in Night Infinite The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain (2022) Nuclear Blast

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Tuesday 6-8pm
An enriching music primer series designed to showcase whats new in metal. hand picked/locally sourced/straight from heck.
90's Death Metal
00's Death Metal
10's Death Metal
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