Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 1/17/23

Episode 179 "Severed Vitals"

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Hazarax (Philadelphia) Release From Esabyss Altered Faith Disorder (1990) Independent
Obscenity (Germany) Utter Disgust Suffocated Truth (1992) West Virginia Records
Cenotaph (Poland) The Birth of a New God Empire of Sin (1994) Independent
Eidomantum (Sweden) Old Blood Old Blood (2003) Independent
Pascal (Poland) The Damned Collection of Destroyed Brains (1992) Carnage Records
Carcaroht (Sweden) Dragons Dawn Dragons Dawn (1993) Independent
Burial (Netherlands) Untimely Demise Relingquished Souls (1993) West Virginia Records
Moral Insanity (Czechia) Merciful Death Where Life Ends (1994) Independent
Morbid Darkness (Canada) Eve II Return from Death (1994) Autopsy Kitchen Records
Crownthorn (Russia) The Gold of Mountain Rings Cold Like Ice (1999) Independent
Threnody (Pennsylvania) Choking on Blood Internal Infestation (1990) Headstomp
Seep (Maine) Arcane Torutre Stench Collector / Seep (2023) Gurgling Gore
Stench Collector (Rhode Island) Eye Socket Maggots Effluviatorium Du Jour (2021) Redefining Darkness Records
Voracious Hate (Germany) Feigned Security The Depth of Human Nature (1996) Independent
Gutted (Hungary) This Haunted House A Path to Ruin (2023) Coyote Records
Fleshart (Greece) Tuberculosis Devoted to Flesh (2001) Independent
Morbus (Italy) Devoid of Soul Punishment (1996) Rebirth Records
Gutter Killer (New Zealand) Destined Death A Metal Enema (2022) Razored Raw
Closed Casket (Texas) Wake up Limbless Revenge Killing (2022) Independent
Blemish (New Jersey) Nailgun Acupuncture Swarm & Decay (2022) Frozen Scream Imprint
Oppressor (Chicago) Eclipse Into Eternity (live) European Oppression Live / As Blood Flows (1995) Megalithic Records
Pyaemia (Netherlands) Impaled on Stakes Cranial Blowout (1998) Independent
Convulsion (New Zealand) Pickled in Pus A Pickled Feast (1993) Independent
Vulnus (Greece) Virulent Pyre Promo 2023 New Standard Elite
Depravity (Finland) Undone Remasquerade (1992) Adipocere Records

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