Hedgehog’s Dilemma on Wed 8/9/23

Artist Title Album Label New
Big Thief Vampire Empire Vampire Empire
Sea Lemon Cellar Cellar
rozey If I Come Home If I Come Home
Downward Your Way 2 Songs
Future Magics Rainbow Shoelaces And The Infinite Eternal Abyss
Petey I'll Wait I'll Wait
Title Fight Where Am I? Shed
Feed Me Jack Knight Fork Anatolia
standards May Fruit Island
The Outfield Clovers Emo in E Minor (We Know It's Major) The Outfield Clovers
Their / They're / There 572 Cuthbert Blvd Their / They're / There
Ang Bandang Shirley Polygonal Graphs Tama Na Ang Drama
Movements Heaven Sent Heaven Sent
Второй этаж поражает Ярче Крайности
MASS OF THE FERMENTING DREGS Dramatic Awakening: Sleeping
Miso Extra R10 R10
Lukey, Joshua Bation MOONLIGHT MOONLIGHT new
Vacations Next Exit Terms & Conditions
Primrose Feelin' Down Fallow
Ippotsk oyasumination seeyalater stratocaster
Yukari Hashimoto DEAR FUTURE - TV-size 돌아가는 펭귄 드럼 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 5
my dead girlfriend kanojo ga tsumetaku warattara (prologue to the nine stages of change at the deceased remains) hades (the nine stages of change at the deceased remains)
susquatch gremlin In This World
JYOCHO sugoi kawaii JYOCHO The Beautiful Cycle of Terminal
Tera Melos Melody 3 Untitled
Maison book girl Faithlessness Image
Tatsuya Kitani, Eve Love song LOVE: AMPLIFIED
TEMPLIME Escapism Escapism

Hedgehog’s Dilemma

This program is not on the schedule.
Tuesday 12-1pm
Monday 9-10pm
Wednesday 12-2pm
Tuesday 12-1pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Monday 12-2pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Monday 12-2pm
lots of twinkly jangly guitars!! music 2 make you feel like the ~cool~ misunderstood teenager you thought you were :’)
Broadcast Type: 