Butterfly Economics on Tue 8/15/23

yo dis my playlist. first song is my mood... yeah, but its fine.
thanks for tuning in :)

Artist Title Album Label New Local
ggwendolyn red eye red eye (2023 single)
Cryogeyser Leach Glitch (2019)
Slow Plup Slugs Slugs (Singles album)
Bully Change Your Mind Lucky For You
Ciziten If You're Lonely If You're Lonely
Equipment Coat Tails All You Admire EP (2020)
Arm's Length Object Permanence Never Before Seen, Never Again Found (2022)
Jeff Rosenstock DOUBT DOUBT (Singles album)
Ratboys Crossed that Line Crossed that Line (Single)
Hannah Cole Big Bite Big Bite (Single)
Oldsoul Lavender Cane Crystal (New singles album)
Lizdelise Sleep Softly Sleep Softly (New singles album)
tomcbumpz, ivri no way out comfortable silence (2023)

Butterfly Economics

Friday 1-2pm
Friday 4-5pm
Tuesday 2-3pm
Monday 5-6pm
Friday 5-6pm
Tuesday 1-2pm
Friday 2-4pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
got some rage to fuel your day, soul searching sad girl folk, and a ~sprinkling~ of shoegaze. hope you dig it :p
Folk / alt country
Broadcast Type: 