Bangrak Market on Tue 11/21/23

Artist Title Album Label New
Kraus Bum Path
Narrow Head Moments of Clarity Moments of Clarity
feeble little horse Termites Hayday
Hovvdy Jean Jean
Friko Crashing Through Crashing Through
The Cardigans Over The Water Emmerdale (Remastered)
Frost Children Lethal Hearth Room
Unrecovery Would It Be Ok there are 1​,​000 of me and each one is disappointed
宇宙ネコ子 (Uchu Nekoko) Virgin Suicide 君のように生きれたら (Kimi no youni ikiretara)
For Tracy Hyde Theme for "he(r)art" he(r)art
Plastic Girl In Closet Ramune River Ramune River
SPOOL さめない (samenai) (image for) drawing on canvas
Twinkle Park More Rain Touched, or Been Touched By
smiling broadly puke (106% true speed) "smiling broadly" EP
TASK, Hatsune Miku, GUMI Shinjuku Sick POP ROCK DANCE GIRLS
buzzG Fairytale Fairytale
rerulili, moja Donor Song Donor Song
spellcasting five magic songbirds softly sing the wizard to sleep five magic songbirds softly sing the wizard to sleep new
TURQUOISEDEATH Mysterious Voice Mysterious Voice new
TURQUOISEDEATH, BrokenTeeth The Sky Fell Se Bueno
Namitape ミラレルミラー (mirareru mira) Flitter
Pitcher56 Humming word Her Abiding Memory
......... Feels like a soda float Blank
溶けない名前 (Tokenainamae) こわいせいめいたい (kowai seimeitai) おしえてV感覚 (oshiete V kankaku)
36g The raingazer's song The raingazer's song

Bangrak Market

Tuesday 11am-1pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Friday 12-1pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Wednesday 2-4pm
Music selections from the foreign, the independent, or the otherwise niche.
Broadcast Type: 