Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 1/23/24

Episode 218 - Deride the Fallen Cross II

Artist Title Album New
Varathron Crypts in the Mist The Crimson Temple
Abigor Burning Hell Taphonomia Aeternitatis - Gesänge im Leichenlicht der Welt
Desparity An End... So Serene The Incessant
The Cold Beyond Hatefilled Eyes Unofficial Promo 1999
Ceremony Ceremony of the Oath Cermony
Sorath The Moonlight Glittered Upon the Snow Horns of the Goat
Masochist Thou Shall Not Mourn Frost of the Diabolical Forest
Demoncy Winter Bliss Joined in Darkness
Vampira Bleed for Us Demo 1995
Brimstone What Rides on the Wind What Rides on the Wind
Bathym Wicked Prophets 1990 Rehearsal
Arcane Shadows Winds of Sorcery Enthroned Mysticism
Enkil Annoited in Blood Enkil
Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse Gleaned in Gazes Into the Shadow Mirror Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade
Abazagorath For All Eternity Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus
Tearstained Bat Horde Monument in It's Sorrow

Double Hockey Sticks

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An enriching music primer series designed to showcase whats new in metal. hand picked/locally sourced/straight from heck.
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