Field Day for the Sundays on Sun 3/17/24

Music during mic breaks Elvin Jones "Midnight Walk" (Atlantic, 1967)

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Cassie Kinoshi's seed I gratitude NEW
Nubya Garcia Fly Free Nubya's 5ive Jazz Re:freshed (2017)
Anna Webber Forgotten Best Idiom Pi (2021)
Lotte Anker Plodi 2 Plodi Klopotec (2017)
Moor Mother All The Money The Great Bailout Anti
Horse Lords Truthers As It Happened: Horse Lords Live NEW
Kim Gordon Psychedelic Orgasm The Collective NEW
Jim White Names Make The Name All Hits: Memories NEW
X-Ray Spex Germfree Adolescence Germfree Adolescents EMI (1978)
Ty Segall Eggman Three Bells Drag City
Mary Timony Summer Untame The Tiger Merge
Fugazi Slo Crostic Instrument Dischord (1999)
Cartoon Pants On Fire Nyuck Nyuck Boing! NEW
Butthole Surfers Graveyard, pt.2 Locust Abortion Technican Touch and Go (1987)
Balloon Time Beans It's Time For Balloon Time NEW
I.L.L.O. megalodon 10 ILL Songs NEW
The Shifters New Bleached Fuhrer Open Vault Adagio830 (2022)
Society Static All Flies Go To Hell Spared Flesh (2022)
Velvet Underground Foggy Notion VU Verve (1984)
The Slits Adventures Close To Home Cut Island (1979)
The Raincoats Adventures Close To Home The Raincoats Rough Trade (1979)
Lydia Lunch Stares To Nowhere 13.13 Ruby (1982)
The Vamps I Used To Be Cool Single Beehive (1980)
Drunk Mums New Australia Beer Baby NEW
Pleasants Takeout Dinner Rocanrol In Mono NEW
Xmal Deutschland Allein Early Singles 1981 - 1982 NEW
Split System Anything Vol.2 Legless
Brigata Vendetta Lose Again This Is How Democracy Dies Pirates Press
Mannequin Pussy Aching I Got Heaven Epitah

Field Day for the Sundays

Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Sunday 6-8pm
Saturday 8-10am
Saturday 8-10am
Saturday 8-10am
Looking as limp as Monday morning.
Total Mayhem
Utter Depravity
Broadcast Type: 