Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 3/19/24

Episode 224 "Buried in Rubble"

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Mythos In Veiled Language Moulded in Clay
Fatal Cause In Concrete Confined Lacerated Vein Grafitti
Avulsion Skin Defilement Dimensions of Darkness Deathgasm Records
Innerot Cavernous Decay Exhumed (Promo)
Blister Desecration of Beauty Diabolical Slaughter of Mankind
Pus Emulsion Splintered Crucifixion Ensoaking Cerebral Torture
Nations of Death Distorted Wrecked
Severe Torture The Death of Everything Torn from the Jaws of Death Season of Mist
Insalubrity Anastomosis After Intraoperative Colonic Lavage Sheol New Standard Elite
Deleterious Deserved Contempt Deleterious 'Promo 2024' New Standard Elite
Desecation Inducing Cognitive Paralysis Left to the Trogs Brutal Mind
Thaetas Shrines to Absurdity Shrines to Absurdity Maggot Stomp
Catatonic Atrocity As Flesh Recedes to Nothing Eradication of Humanity Crematorium Records
Skeletal Remains Relentless Appetite Fragments of the Ageless Century Media Records
Slimelord Splayed Mudscape Chytridiomycosis Relinquished 20 Buck Spin
Chamber of Shred The Way of Redemption Epitome Infinity Records
Blood Nature Charbroil Chopped Up At the Alter Iron Fortress Records
Aroma Immobilized by the depressive effects of pharmaceutical drugs Meatshield​/​Aroma split. Human Cross Section Collection
Exploding Zombies Beyond Sufferage Beyond Sufferage
Unsouled Unsouled Corpse Violent Agony
Malediction Murdered from Within Framework of Contortion
Descend Feel the Flames Requiem of Flame Metal Age Productions
Riparian Temples & Tombs Age of Splendor
Deluge Gulp Bloated Beasts Limousine Records
Cryptum Dead Celestial Body Vile Emergence Caligari Records
Putrid Tomb The Reanimator Putrid Tomb Desert Wastelands Productions
Cystic Abysmal Tundra Lightless Domain Iron Lung Records

Double Hockey Sticks

Tuesday 6-8pm
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Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
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Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
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Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
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Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
An enriching music primer series designed to showcase whats new in metal. hand picked/locally sourced/straight from heck.
90's Death Metal
00's Death Metal
10's Death Metal
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