Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 6/11/24

Episode 228 "Antique Reliquary"

Artist Title Album Label
Desaster A Touch of Medieval Darkness A Touch of Medieval Darkness Merciless Records
Sotherion Word Made Death Vermine World Terror Committee (NEW)
Nightside The Crumbling Tower Death From the North Purity Through Fire (NEW)
Gravescape Feasting of Abhorrence Feasting of Abhorrence Independent
SIRROHGA Bleed the Pure SIRROHGA Independent
Abyssal Rift The Rune Extirpation Dirge Sentient Ruin Laboratories
Svedhous Lord Disease MRSE Independent
Thanatotherion Red Cathedral Alienation Manifesto I, Voidhanger Records (NEW)
Ulcerate To See Death Just Once Cutting the Throat of God Debemur Morti Productions (NEW)
Amphion Excisia Amphion Independent
Esbbat Valley of Horror Abismo Bajo el Mundo Independent
Shedim The Lord of this Land The Lord of this Land Independent
Sorhin ... Och Om Natten Min Själ Dansar Skogsgriftens Rike X-treme Records
Caibalion The Mist from Revenge Kali-Yuga Independent
Solhverv Gravkammerets Gru Tågernes Årtusinde Euphonious Records
Mortuary Drape Pentagram Tolling 13 Knell Avantgarde Music
True Black Dawn Algol Of Thick-circling Shadows World Terror Committee (NEW)
Unpure Otherside of the Sea Unpure Napalm Records

Double Hockey Sticks

Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Saturday 8-10am
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Thursday 2-4pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
An enriching music primer series designed to showcase whats new in metal. hand picked/locally sourced/straight from heck.
90's Death Metal
00's Death Metal
10's Death Metal
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