Finding My Marbles on Mon 8/12/24

Artist Title Album New Local
Maggie Gently How This Feels Wherever You Want To Go
Goth Babe Dazed Shall We
Trophy Grief Vibramoth Life Sentence
Paper Lady Five of Swords Five of Swords
wilt moved along moved along
Mia Day Marigold Hellier, Forever
pâle regard Collation Collation
Chalk Talk The Idiot The Idiot
Wet Leg Angelica Wet Leg
Cusp My Two Cents You Can Do It All
Oddnesse Drive Your Car Drive Your Car
The Marías Paranoia Submarine
Colatura Absent Mind And Then I'll Be Happy
Crawling Vines Kewpid Who Killed Wiliam Goose?
commander commander off-white glove off-white glove
Teri Gender Bender Stupid Love Song OUTSIDERS (Bonus Track Edition)

Finding My Marbles

Friday 12-1pm
Monday 9-10pm
Monday 9-10pm
Friday 1-2pm
Friday 1-2pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Friday 12-1pm
Monday 10-11pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
music that'll convince your friends to give you aux
Indie Rock
Broadcast Type: 