Finding My Marbles on Fri 3/7/25

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Starcrawler Roadkill Roadkill
St. Vincent Big Time Nothing Big Time Nothing
Baby Said 123 123
Jackie Hayes, Billy Lemos Bandaid Happy Ending
Amira Elfeky, Scarlet House Remains of Us Remains of Us
mercury The Fly Swarm the Hive Mind EP
chokecherry Afterglow Afterglow
she's green Graze Graze new not on shelves
Slide iii iii
Trailer Trash Tracys Candy Girl Ester
True Widow F. W. S: L. T. M. AVVOLGERE
Soft Kill Wake Up Choke
blindsight Anemone (blindsighted) Anemone (blindsighted)

Finding My Marbles

Friday 12-1pm
Friday 12-1pm
Monday 9-10pm
Monday 9-10pm
Friday 1-2pm
Friday 1-2pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
Monday 8-10pm
Friday 12-1pm
Monday 10-11pm
Tuesday 8-10pm
music that'll convince your friends to give you aux
Indie Rock
Broadcast Type: 