Traffic Jamz on Mon 12/10/12

Artist Title Album Label
The Boyfriends Let's Fall In Love
The Claremonts Why Keep Me Dreaming
The Hi-Lites For Your Precious Love
The Sa-Shays This Is My Story
The Extremes The Bells
The Starlets I'm So Young
The Del Royals Close To You
The Chaperals I Love You (Acappella)
The Arist-O-Cats Chasin' The Blues
The Blend-Tones (Turn On Those) Lights, Please
The Bobbettes Um Bow Wow
The Chancellors Gotta Little Baby
The Charts Zoop
The Cordials Dum Dum Dee Wop
The Delicates Too Young To Date
The Teenettes Too Young To Fall In Love
The Sh-Booms Blue Moon
The Diamonds Walking Along
The Fabulous Pearl Divines You've Been Gone
The Platters Smoke Gets In Your Eyes REQUEST
Ernie K. Doe A Certain Girl REQUEST
The Fortuneers Look A' There
The Sparkles The Moon
The I.V. Leaguers Ring Chimes
Tiny Tim and The Hits Doll Baby
The Vonnair Sisters Dum Papa Too Tah Tah

Traffic Jamz

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Monday 11am-1pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Monday 7-9am
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