The Politics of Dancing on Mon 1/13/20

Tribute to one of my all time favorite bands, Rush. It's funny, they say that the music that you love when you are a teenager imprints itself on your heart. Such is the case with Rush. Of course classics like Limelight and Tom Sawyer never cease to impress with outstanding, epic guitar riffs and mind blowing drums by drummer and lyricist, Neal Peart. While clearly not electronic music, it was the beautiful poetry of Peart's lyrics that made my heart ache. Timely and timeless they speak to who we are as humans, never ordinary or cliche, they made the listener feel that each and every word applied to them. No matter who they were or where they lived or political strata they chose.

Today I played two remixes, the first at the top of the hour Time Stand Still, a track from the Hold your Fire Album in 1987 with the original delightful Aimee Mann on vocals , substituted for a more modern Kristy Hawkshaw. Opencloud created this mix in the mid 2000's. The second was a sleeper that I thankfully found, Tom Sawyer, one of Rush's most well known songs was remixed by dj z-trip. Super fun!
The song, Spirit of radio has resonated with me, since i became a dj in 1995. I even wear a bracelet with the lyrics to remind me how important radio and music is, as if i need reminding! Peart's lyrics lament on the change of FM radio from free-form to commercial formats during the late 1970s. But is ever timely with the change from terrestrial radio to internet radio. "The Spirit of Radio" was named one of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll and was among five Rush songs inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame on March 28, 2010.
Invisible airwaves
Crackle with life
Bright antennae bristle
With the energy
Emotional feedback
On a timeless wavelength
Bearing a gift beyond price
Almost free

I also played a block of tracks from the still going, Platipus, label. It was founded in 1993 by Simon Berry. The early releases were almost exclusively limited to Berry's various projects, including Union Jack, Clanger, and Art of Trance. Later, the label included artists like Dawnseekers and Quietman. Some of their most famous releases were the hits "Anomaly (Calling Your Name)" by BT, "Robert Miles - Children", and DJ Taylor, "Red Herring" and "Two Full Moons and a Trout" by Union Jack, and "Air" by Albion. Because of the success of "Calling Your Name" and "Madagascar" by Art of Trance in 1999, the label started to take on a more epic trance style, in stark contrast to their early releases of psychedelic and acid trance. They also featured many releases from Pob, which i played today. They are still going strong, check out their catalog at Their newer releases are great too!

Thanks for tuning in.
Next week, being the holiday I may have some company of the kid variety, so you may hear my guest Djs in training reading some Promos , station IDs and Public service messages.

As always please email me at if you have requests! I would love to know what moved you on the dance floor back in the day!

Artist Title Album Label
open cloud/ Rush time stand still
benz and MD wonder grey area's" Americas Hat" remix
tilt my spirit perfecto
rush town sawyer dj z trip remix
albion air 2000 hybrids supersonic remix platipus
z2 i want you platipus
union jack two full moons and a trout luke chable remix platipus
Pop feat: dj patrick reid bluebottle platipus
pop seismix platipus
art of trance madagascar platipus
anomaly calling your name platipus
florence and the machine what the water gave me orkidea remix
orikdea unity
boston bruins i will be free
Hybrid blackout Y4K remix distinctive breaks

The Politics of Dancing

Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Friday 9:30am-12pm
Tuesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Dj Roo started at WKDU in 1995 while studying Photography at Drexel. She was a regular until 2008, when she took a leave of absence to get married and raise her family. She spun the morning drive for years and is inspired by dance music greats like BT, Sasha, John Digweed, Danny Howells, Dave Seamen, Nick Warren and Hybrid. Weekly sets are a knitting together of dance music classics, extensive back catalog of b-sides of underground beats and new tunes from today, proving that great music never gets old. Relive the club nights of the 1990s and 2000's. Check out her instagram- @DJROOGIRL
Progressive Trance
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