Music for Pseudo-Intellectuals on Fri 1/24/20

Do you ever just think about how flies get get trapped inside of a car or building or room and sometimes live out the rest of their lives there? Like I don't know anything about bugs and I'm sure they're trying to get back outside, but they probably don't even have the capacity to understand that they are trapped in a place the should not belong? And they'll just die there? There's a weird existential horror thing to it if you think about it too long.

Artist Title Album New Local
Avey Tare Saturdays (Again) Cows on Hourglass Pond
Broadcast Echo's Answer The Noise Made By People
Meredith Monk / Collin Walcott Cow Song Monk: Our Lady of Late
Dustin Wong / Takako Minekawa / Good Willsmith Gikanjoumongatari Exit Future Heart
Hovvdy Keep It Up Heavy Lifter
The Millenium 5 a.m. Begin
Moonchild 6am Voyager
Jacqueline Taieb 7 Heure Du Mat The French Mademoiselle
Promise I'm Not Ready For Love Home Schooled: ABC's of Kid Soul
Great Grandpa Endling Four of Arrows
Pinc Louds Haunted s/t
The Slits Earthbeat Return of the Giant Slits
Omni Courtesy Call Networker
Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guébrou Homesickness Ethiopiques, vol. 21: Emahoy (Piano Solo)
Bill Callahan Diamond Dancer Woke on a Whaleheart
Great Grandpa English Garden Four of Arrows
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band Eighteen Is Over The Hill A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
(Sandy) Alex G Waiting for You DSU
MIdlake Kingfish Pies Bamnan and Silvercork
King Khan & the Shrines Welfare Bread What Is?!
El Wali Youth of the Nation Tiris
Dirty Projectors Blue Bird Lamp Lit Prose
Sandie Shaw (There's) Always Something There To Remind Me The Very Best Of
Jaimie Branch Theme 002 Fly or Die
Jerkcurb Voodoo Saloon Voodoo Saloon
Battles A Loop So Nice Juice B. Crypts
Mariah Shinzo No Tobira Utakata No Hibi
Mocky Living In The Snow Key Change
Animal Collective Who Could Win A Rabbit Sung Tongs
Julia Holter 2HB (orig. Ferry) Maria

Music for Pseudo-Intellectuals

Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 7-9pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Monday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Monday 4-6pm
Monday 10am-12pm
Tuesday 9-11am
Monday 12-2pm
Tuesday 12-2pm
Tuesday 2-4pm
Monday 11am-1pm
Monday 2-4pm
Monday 11am-1pm
Monday 12-2pm
Friday 7-9am
Thursday 7-9am
Pop, rock, and weirdo stuff, for when you want to pretend to be ~smart~ and ~cultured~
Baroque/Chamber Pop
Broadcast Type: 