Sonic Rendezvous on Wed 7/10/24

Tonite! Wed. July 10 - Emily Robb/Mdou Moctar at PhilaMoca

Tommorrow! Thurs. July 11 - The Sheaves/Cartoon/The Shield at Launderette

Fri, July 19 - Open Mouth Records presents: Steve Heise/Richard Hoffman at Brickbat

Wed. July 24 - Tyvek/The Shield/Wasnt Wisnt at The Khyber

Artist Title Album Label New Local
Gibbous Moon Ayadda Saturn V Chews Landing
Taste Blue danchi (comin' down) I dipped my comb... Carbon
Hed Shoppe Think for Yourself Beyond Flatscan self release
Tyvek Trash & Junk Overground Ginkgo
The Sheaves Sanctum Cross A Salve for Institution Dot Dash
The Shadow Ring Mustard Hooves Put the Music in Its Coffin Siltbreeze
Steve Heise A 7"
Sightings Internal Compass Arrived in Gold Load
XV No Touching On The Creekbeds On The Thrones Ginkgo
Didona Mamifere Pizma Beach Buddies
The Spatulas Get Along Beehive Mind Post Present Medium
Mordecai Seeds From The Furthest Vine part 2 Seeds From The Furthest Vine Petty Bunco
Sun City Girls Kickin' the Dragon 330,003 Crossdressers from Beyond The Rig Veda Abduction
“S. Giorgiadis” Pireotiko Taximi Secret Museum of Mankind - Guitars Vol. 1: Prologue to Modern Styles Jalopy
Mdou Moctar Sousoume Tamachek Sousoume Tamachek Sahel Sounds
Emily Robb There it Goes Again If I Am Misery Then Give Me Affection Petty Bunco
King Blood Coming of the Rats Hocus Focus Petty Bunco
Dr. Pete Larson and his Cytotoxic Nyatiti Band A4 Michigan Traditional Music Dagoretti
Truculent Back into the Ground a Few Feet Caviling the Facts! and other Mechanisms of Oppression Strange Mono
Vieux & Cheick Niang Djelibougou - Bakaridjan Batch #3 Brothers Purplish
Cartoon Die Bonknacht Nyuck Nyuck Boing! Human Headstone
Elkhorn From Beyond Space Other Worlds Cardinal Fuzz
Zowiso F.A.O. Show No Genocide: A Benefit for Mutual Aid in Gaza
Scarecrow Rabid Dogs No Genocide: A Benefit for Mutual Aid in Gaza
Toxic Rites Voice Hunger No Genocide: A Benefit for Mutual Aid in Gaza
The Pop Group How Much Longer For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder? Rough Trade
Bark Culture Paradise Lawns Warm Wisdom Temperphantom

Sonic Rendezvous

Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Tuesday 4-6pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Wednesday 6-8pm
Thursday 10am-12pm
Thursday 12-2am
Thursday 12-2am
Old tunes and new noises from around the world.
Real folk blues
Rock 'n' roll
Primordial muck
Broadcast Type: 