Talk of the Town on Sun 1/23/22

Artist Title Album Label New Local
God Pretty Possession Caroline Records (1992)
Rice屎Corpse Desktop Frog Mrs Rice dualpLOVER (2009)
Joseph Aurora More Junk Junk Metal Jazz: Lost Reeds and Found Percussion Unnecessary Sounds (2022)
Billy Bang Seeing Together Outline No. 12 Celluloid (1983)
McKain / Murray / Radichel / Suarez / Weeks Denizens of the Invisible The Running of the Bulls radicaldocuments (2021)
Kip Hanrahan No One Gets To Transcend Anything (No One Except Oil Company Exectives) Coup De Tete American Clavé (1981)
BLKLN Kemistry & Storm Speaking In Snake Tongue Cohrran (2020)
Jean-Luc Guionnet & Will Guthrie Diggers Electric Rag Ali Buh Baeh Records (2021)
Clang Quartet Jesus Save Me From My Fellow Christians Judge Thy Neighbor, Love Thyself Cruel Symphonies (2021)
To Live And Shave In L.A. Good Old Gospel Ship 30-Minuten Männercreme Love Is Sharing Pharmaceuticals (1994)
Madam Data A soldier came to us from the army of the Pretender, a deserter - "follow me", it said - "and I will show you where he bleeds" The Gospel of the Devourer PTP (2021)
The Body & Big|Brave Hard Times Leaving None but Small Birds Thrill Jockey (2021)
Christina Carter Second Death Electrice Kranky (2006)
Oxbow The Finished Line Thin Black Duke Hydra Head Records (2017)
Chris Brokaw Periscope Kids Puritan 12XU (2021)
Daniel (A.I.U.) Higgs O Come And Walk Along (for S.) Ancestral Songs Holy Mountain (2006)
Amps For Christ The Wife Of Usher's Well Circuits Vermiform (1999)

Talk of the Town

Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
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Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
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Sunday 8-10pm
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Sunday 10pm-1am
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Monday 12-3am
You know that one Merzbow song that goes SKRIZIZIIZAIFDSAFASDFJAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP? It's kind of like that. Any questions? Feel free to follow me on Facebook at the URL listed above and you can also e-mail
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