Double Hockey Sticks on Tue 4/12/22

Episode 159 "Soul Banishment"

Artist Title Album New Local
Astral Tomb Traversing the Wandering Star Soulgazer
Frozen Sun (Denmark) In the Shadow of your Soul Dimensions (1996)
Troberoth (Costa Rica) Straight to the Vein Fallen Angel (2021)
Skullcrush (Arizona) Predator vs Prey Bloodmoon MMXXII (2022)
Massacra (France) Signs of Decline Signs of Decline (1992)
Spesimin (Philly) Rotting on the Vine Rotting on the Vine (2022)
Tribal Gaze (Texas) The Grand Arrival The Godless Voyage (2021)
Woundeep (Japan) Color of Betrayal Weapons of Mass Protection (2005)
Hellnomorf (Mexico) Metamorphosis Tales of the Past (1992)
Blister (Wisconsin) Passage to the Catacombal Depths (SINGLE PREMIER) Passage to the Catacombal Depths (SINGLE PREMIER) (2022)
Concrete Caveman (Philly) Leper's Guilt (live) Live at the Snake Pit (3/26/2022)
Convulse (Finland) Incantation of Restoration (live) Live in Pain
Mortician (New York) Witches Coven (live) Zombie Massacre Live
Gibbed (Japan) T.V. War Thrashing Deathpower (1991)
Multiplex (Japan) Drowned in the Bog Thrashing Deathpower (1991)
Satanic Hellslaughter (Japan) Beyond the Behind Thrashing Deathpower (1991)
Multiplex (Japan) Profligate Blessedness Thrashing Deathpower (1991)
Divine Death The Final War
Obliteration Inflicted
Erosive Exhumation Necrocannibalism Health Phobia
Frog Mallet Krag'wa the Huge
Weeping Fiend In Devotion to Dominance
Duress (Philly) The First Beast Shadow of the First Beast
Human Pancake Con Carne Split w Meat Breath
Fate Stagnant Water of Mind
Suffocation Souls to Deny Souls to Deny
Decrepit Lust for Decay
Vomiturition One's Belief
Blemish Self Abuse (Behind Closed Doors)

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