Talk of the Town on Sun 2/11/24

Artist Title Album Label New Local
The Fall I Am Damo Suzuki This Nation’s Saving Grace Beggars Banquet (1985)
Can Peking O Tago Mago [RE] Mute (2004, originally 1971)
Gilla Band The Weirds Most Normal Rough Trade (2023)
The Exorzist III Jabber Gospel Jamming Vol. 1 Cardinal Fuzz (2024)
Astute Palate Bring It On Home S/T Petty Bunco (2020)
Sweeping Promises Connoisseur of Salt Good Living Is Coming For You Feel It Records (2023)
Human Adult Band Materialized Screen Waxy Gibby Motor Unit Records (2023)
Buck Gooter Joshua Rising Finer Thorns Ramp Local (2019)
Northern Liberties Star Spangled Corpse + Ghost of Ghosts Self​-​Dissolving Abandoned Universe Self-released (2023)
Armedalite Rifles Shades Of Grey Art Is A Weapon wrinky dink records (2020)
Ashtabula Wash Your Baby Possible Smokestacks Siltbreeze (2020)
Blyth Power Janet's Tithe The Power Behind The Throne Downwarde Spiral Records (2023)
New Model Army Vagabonds Thunder and Consolation EMI (1989)
At Night Sleepover S/T Self-released (2023)
Parquet Courts Berlin Got Blurry Human Performance Rough Trade (2016)
The Murder City Devils Dancin' Shoes Empty Bottles, Broken Hearts Sub Pop (1998)
Texas Criffer and Plow United Selling Pretty Poisons Transcend F.O.E. (1998)
Swedish Magazines Ghost At The Party Worried Sick Alphaville (2021)

Talk of the Town

Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
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Sunday 10pm-12am
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Sunday 8-10pm
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Monday 12-3am
You know that one Merzbow song that goes SKRIZIZIIZAIFDSAFASDFJAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP? It's kind of like that. Any questions? Feel free to follow me on Facebook at the URL listed above and you can also e-mail
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