Talk of the Town on Mon 5/14/12

Artist Title Album New
Cross Stitched Eyes Broken Mind Decomposition
Amebix Arise! Arise!
Dead and Gone Leave the Dead The Beautician
Bobbykork All of My Heroes Are Dead S/T
Agents of Oblivion Phantom Green S/T
Fall of Efrafa Last But Not Least Owsla
Neurosis A Chronology for Survival Souls at Zero
Disemballerina Sundowning 2-Piece Demo
Wolves in the Throne Room Prayer of Transformation Celestial Lineage
Oak Sorrow is Dead ii
Dystopia Stress Builds Character
Full of Hell The Bed is Burning Roots of Earth Are Consuming My Home
Unholy Grave Same Sex Marriage
Brutal Truth track 22 End Time
Dropdead A Disease Called Man
Nasum When Science Fails Inhale/Exhale
Assuck Socialized Crucifixion Anticapital
Mares of Thrace The Gallwasp The Pilgrimage
The Body Black Boys on Mopeds S/T
Agalloch A Celebration for the Death of Man The Mantle

Talk of the Town

Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Sunday 10pm-12am
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Sunday 8-10pm
Sunday 8-10pm
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Sunday 10pm-1am
Sunday 10pm-1am
Sunday 10pm-1am
Sunday 10pm-12am
Monday 12-2am
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Monday 12-3am
You know that one Merzbow song that goes SKRIZIZIIZAIFDSAFASDFJAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP? It's kind of like that. Any questions? Feel free to follow me on Facebook at the URL listed above and you can also e-mail
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